Photo Blog 40: New Year Light

The trail of my dog’s light-up collar as she runs around; BULB shutter speed( >1/1024), f13, ISO 1600

This week, we were challenged to use long exposure photography during the night to celebrate the new year! I chose to use my dog as a model by capturing the trail of her wearing her light-up collar as she ran around. My mom helped me by leading her around with a piece of chicken! New year typically means new beginnings and goals for many people, so I like how the lit-up line kind of looks like a new beginning/timeline. For my first time using long exposure photography, I’m happy with how the photo came out! I think the effect looks really cool and I also like the touch of the shining moon in the corner. I used Adobe Photoshop to make the light brighter and stand out more against the background. It was difficult shooting these as my tripod was not very stable(so some photos were blurry), and I had to be the one holding down the shoot button, so I couldn’t create my own drawings in a photo. However, I will definitely be trying this photography method again, and hope to improve my skills!