Photo Blog 42: Work

My former coworker, Jonathon, at Panda Express; 1/50, f5.6, ISO 1600

This week, we were inspired by the idea of “work”. I chose to photograph my former coworker, Jonathon. During the summer before my senior year, I got my first job as a server and cashier at Panda Express! It was definitely difficult and stressful at first, but it’s an experience I’ll always cherish. Working at Panda Express was a really eye-opening experience for me and I got to interact with many people of different backgrounds. Some of my favorite summer memories were made there with my friends(we had a pizza party in the back once when the managers were gone!). Unfortunately, I had to quit as I knew I wouldn’t be able to juggle a job with first semester senior year and colorguard. However, it’s still nice going back to Panda Express once in a while and seeing that all my former coworkers and managers still remember me and give me discounts on my meals!