Photo Blog 46: Deadly Sins

My dog, staring at a tennis ball with another already in her paws; 1/40, f14, ISO 6400

This week, we were challenged to tell a story about one of the seven deadly sins: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed or Sloth. I originally was trying to take a picture of my dog with tennis balls for a staged depth of field photo until I realized something: Meron is the greediest dog alive (and also a terrible model). This picture was captured by accident, but I think it perfectly encapsulates the deadly sin of greed. Despite my dog already having a tennis ball in her paw, she still craves and yearns for another identical tennis ball. This type of behavior can be seen everywhere among humans as well, especially through the rich’s greed to become richer.