
Tennessee Lake Sunset When being tasked to capture a photo with reflections I immediately though of this Sunset photo I took over the summer when stay at my Auns lake house in Tennessee. This photo was taken off of my camera on a early Sunday night off of a floating house boat in the hot […]

Fill the Frame

Wall room I this photo was taken at the SFMOMA, of a art piece built into the wall, to represent filling the wall with art, and not the wall being filled in with art. I thought this would be prefect as it fill the frame and draws your eyes to the art work and not […]


Music Culture, when I thought of Culture I immediately went to music. As I have grown up on all kinds of music. Music is a form of expression and my parent’s value expression very deeply and I feel that this is my Culture. ISO 320, f 1.5, 1/60 shutter speed


The Dubble For this photo we were challenged to duplicate one side of a portrait style photograph and mask, only one side in order to make it seem like there is a regular photo. I had the pleasure of photographing one of my very good friends JC, and I though this photo would be the […]

Tell a Lie

Floating Shirt This photo was taken with the inspiration of a lie. This shirt may look like it is photoshopped into the photo. But this shirt was created and placed in a Golf Wang store in New York City. ISO 100, 26 mm, f stop 1.5, shutter speed 1/120

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