

At peace.

Serenity: the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled.

In this photograph, I am quite literally in a state of serenity. Laying in a field of grass, clear blue skies, listening to some music. I have nothing to worry about. And although my state of serenity is at its peak moments here, I’d definitely say I try to maintain this state as much as possible, or in other words, be extremely chill. With that being said, I think I’ve done a pretty good job of accomplishing this, my mom says so. Nonetheless, serenity is super important. Not only does it keep you relaxed and in a nice state, but it’s also enjoyable for the people around you. There is no stress to be endured. And once you become a master of serenity, like me, you will have no problems. Serenity is the key to life. Live in peace.

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