
  • Negative Space

    The prompt for this week’s photo blog was to “learn why negative space is so effective in photography.” A resource was provided to us along with the prompt, and I gathered from it that negative space can be used to separate a subject from its surroundings and emphasize certain elements of a photo. Using negative…

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  • Shadow

    This week’s prompt was, “Tell a story, and make it compelling while only using shadow.” I took several photos for this prompt, but ultimately decided to go with a picture of a dead spider. I thought that this photo was powerful because despite the seemingly long shadow the spider’s body cast, it would’ve been minuscule in…

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  • Eyes

    The prompt for this photo blog was, “Peer into a soul with an eye (share a macro lens with a design student).” In Freestyle Academy, students can choose between three elective classes; Design, Film, and Animation. because students in the Design elective are required to do a lot more photography than their peers, they have…

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  • Center Frame Portrait

    The prompt for this week’s blog was, “Use center framing composition to isolate your subject and imply loneliness.” In the photo I took, there is a yellow Ginko tree losing it’s leaves, surrounded for the most part by evergreen pines. I used center framing composition (a technique involving framing your subject in the center of…

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  • New Beginnings

    The prompt for this week’s blog was, “The world is full of circular patterns, some things end, others begin, tell a story of a new beginning.” I decided to choose two photos for this prompt to convey the life cycle of a rose. After brainstorming ideas, I went to a park near my house and…

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  • Water

    For this prompt, “Water is precious and beautiful,” I had a difficult time deciding on what photos to upload here. Water has so many amazing qualities, including reflection, refraction, transparency, and many more. I took a lot of pictures, but ultimately decided on the one I deemed most beautiful. In this photo, condensation has formed…

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  • Balance in Holiday Traditions

    For this prompt, I learned about different types of balance in photographs. These include symmetrical, Asymmetrical, color, tonal, and conceptual balance. I ended up choosing a photograph that uses symmetrical balance because it is the easiest type to identify, and I would like more practice with this concept before attempting more challenging types of balance.…

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  • Speed Light Shots

    Take 4 photos with your speed lite, and post them all so that the differences are visible. Look at the resource in the photo prompts google sheet. This prompt involved experimenting with the speed lite, or flash, on a camera. It was interesting how different types of flash light in different places changed the subject…

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  • White Balance

    The instructions for this assignment were to, “Use white balance for a photo that’s not necessarily color-accurate. Please show two photos: one with the original auto white balance, and one with a different white balance (your choice).” For this Blog, I used a photo of my cat that had fairly neutral lighting. Changing the white…

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  • Leading Lines

    The concept for this blog post was, “Use leading lines to show the concept of infinity, NOT to guide the viewer’s eye or show depth.) I considered many ideas for this post, even consulting the internet for inspiration. A lot of people had taken photos of seemingly endless traintracks or mirrors, but I wanted to…

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