
Song cover( Viren S, Felicia W) This photo was taken in our very own Freestyle Academy, in the studio. The photo was taken when we were covering a song by Mac Demarco, I found this experience extremely eye opening to a different from music. ISO 150, f 1.3 20 mm, shutter speed 1.5

View Point

It was the day after my 12th grade winter ball, and after a long day of playing catch up of all my homework from the week prior. The weather was spectacular with a 70ยบ, I decided to take myself on a drive. I took myself up to Skyline Boulevard ( Route 35 ) after driving […]

Small v Large

I saw this vibrant green little plant in my friends backyard, when I got up close to it I noticed all of the small finer details of a small. After taking this photo I thought to myself how many small things get looked over everyday.ISO 32, 25mm, f 1.8, 1/375 shutter speed

Color Theory

This photo was taken at the SFMOMA not too long ago with my family. Prior to taking this photo I was noticed how the red like is not only reflecting off of walls but how the red is getting absorbed by the darkness in the room and black wall drawing in the red lighting. ISO […]


Earth Element I took this photo on a path walking into my friends home in New Zealand, with all of the vibrant greens and tropical trees lining the walk way. I thought that this was the best way to capture the Earth element. ISO 120 26mm f 1.8 shutter speed 1/70


Friends-Giving This year Thanksgiving was very special to me as I was able to share it with my friends and my family, a bunch of my friedns did a mock thanksgiving the day after to all come together, I brought mac n cheese. ISO 200, f 1.5 shutter speed 1/60 29mm

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