In English this unit, our focus was world building. We read and studied some works where world building was really effectively displayed, and used these to learn and gain inspiration to create our own worlds. Then, with a group of classmates we brainstormed a bunch of ideas and gradually sculpted these into a tangible concept. As we continued brainstorming and discussing, this concept grew into a complete world we had imagined. After some time, we were able to consider everything about the world, from the struggles our main characters dealt with to the history and social context of the region.

This project was really fun. It was cool to mess around with a bunch of wild ideas and see these come together into something clear and organized. As our world progressed, so did our story and the characters within it became very real. I am definitely looking forward to doing a similar brainstorming and development process for future projects, and feel confident I will be able to do so effectively thanks to this unit.

Our Narrative unit in English culminated with a six page narrative treatment and a presentation about it. As a group we worked to put together a slideshow summarizing our story, and Jacob and I presented it to the class as though we were pitching to a group of executives from a studio. This was fun to do, and although we were not entirely prepared we had such a complete understanding of the world we built we could answer all the questions asked to round out our pitch. This was a fun and interesting experience.