10″ F20 ISO400

Music is really important to me. I spend a lot of my time listening to music and finding new songs that I enjoy, and it shapes the way I think and approach the world. For a photo about music, I knew I needed to capture this concept as well as my fascination with the medium. I wanted my composition to be somewhat abstract to represent all the music I have yet to listen to, but also soft and comfortable showing how music is soothing and pleasant.

I started by choosing my bed as the setting for my photo, and I placed my photo with Spotify open above the open frames. I turned the flashlight on my phone to shine on the wooden beams and on the bed below, and spent some time taking long exposure photos while listening to music on my phone. My slight movement to the music shook the camera, and gave the sheets and wall below a swirled effect that kind of feels how music sounds. Although I don’t feel I came at all close to fully representing music, I think the some of the parts are represented.

Categories: Inspiration