Trash, the problem


Trash, the pollutant
“The Pollutant”

The inspiration for this week’s blog is trash. Trash is a really huge problem and I have a couple things to say about it.

Trash is completely degrading and ruining our planet. We have close to 8 billion people on this earth and almost every person is guilty of adding to the amount of waste we already have or even littering. Being one person and throwing a piece of garbage out the window a couple times may seem like it won’t cause any harm to our planet, but it actually does most of the time. Trash can travel throughout the world, accumulating itself in rivers, oceans, beaches, and everywhere we don’t want it. The trash then goes on to harm so many habitats and release chemical pollutants further threatening aquatic life in particular. The biggest phenomenon and most disgusting effect of trash is none other than the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch has a supposed surface area of 1.6 million square kilometers, which is an area TWICE the size of Texas and THREE times the size of France. That’s not only absolutely ridiculous, but it’s really scary. We are killing so many animals and ecosystems important for our survival and other’s animals survival as well. And somehow, the discussion about the causes of trash seems to come up every now and then, but as far as I know, people aren’t really doing that much to decrease the amount of waste they are contributing to this crisis. So with that being said, I encourage you to really ponder about this subject and do the best you can to stop the growth of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and make a strive towards fixing our wonderful planet, Earth. She’s done so much for us and it’s time we give back and help her out.

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