
This I Believe Essay

In English, we were prompted to write an essay on any topic which we feel strongly about, but not necessarily to persuade an audience. I decided to write mine regarding political discussions between my family, friends, and I and how rewarding they can be towards our individual growth.

This I Believe Essay

I believe in tough conversations.

About five months ago, when injustice disrupted America resulting in large-scale turmoil for the first time since the start of the pandemic, I was privileged enough to know that the community I was surrounded with would take a stand and speak out in support of its victims. What I didn’t realize, however, was that the people I held dearest in my life would not have the same response.

My family has always avoided conflict in our conversations. We used to jokingly live by the motto, “no politics at the dinner table!”. I was unknowingly raised into the privileged mindset of complacency and ignorance of real-world issues. I don’t blame anyone or anything on this mindset; I simply wish I had paid more attention to the news.

In my most recent political discussion lasting three hours, a friend and I debated over if and when killing others was justified in regards to self-defense and situational narratives. And while we both are still in the middle of forming our own opinions on certain values, (and might always be), the importance of our discussion was not the context, but its occurence. The fact that we were both open to listening meant we valued personal growth and development as well as each other as people.

It is during these tense moments like these that I feel like I’m learning the most. My preconceived perceptions are disrupted, and I remember that there are multiple sides to a topic in which I believe existed only one. My connections with others grow deeper as I learn of their life-defining experiences and core values, and they learn of mine.

I plan on dedicating my future to staying informed and advocating for I believe is right, all the while hearing and acknowledging what others have to say. I am no longer afraid to approach my loved ones if I hear something I disagree with. With this mindset, I will never stop evolving.