Poetry Intention Statement

Resentment in the Eyes of a Lemon – Project Poem

For this project in english we could choose what we wanted to do and I chose to do a free verse poem. I decided on this structure and started to write about the spacial object I brought into class for another project. I wanted this poem to appeal to many people.


The feeling emerges, expanding

into a big yellow sphere.

skin boiling, it bubbles –

this was supposed to be a childish game.


Bitter tears, rolling onto your pursed lips, people don’t want to be around you, bitterness, squeezing their empathy towards you.

Playing games with your heart,

cope with the feelings let go.


A sweet smell of defeat, you are playing a zesty game.

Airplanes cut the sky above,

no one admiring them.

You are playing the attention game, screams.


Soft hands, gently stroke the tears away.

Rolling waves, drifting down the blemishes of your face,

all you wanted was the attention of a

mother, father – where?


Your twisted life, you can now understand.

You were just a child before,

with guided lines:; gated, sheltered.

A little lemon, under two lemon trees.



Shell? – Ekphrastic Poem

For this poem we were supposed to write about a specific art piece from the SFMoMA and write a poem about our reaction towards it. I decided to tell a story based on my sculpture I found.

A photo of the sculpture which is a tie and the artist. Also the poem written out again.
This is the actual Art piece with explanation of the artist and the poem written out.









Society is

in charge of the clothes we wear

does it change anywhere.


Unique or not, share

and don’t let other people pair-

up with the same style.


Lines, lines all the same.

Guidelines tell us how to act

step outside to see.


Reality strikes

formal or not. See the same,

black, white, not tonight.


Come out of your shell

embrace the longing of your

heart, pounding in new.


up, down

different, same

stripe, stripe.